Credit repair can be a long process that may take several years. Contrary to the claims of some "credit repair" companies, there are no quick fixes when it comes to raising your credit score.
While there are many companies that do business as credit repair agencies, most do nothing that you could not accomplish on your own. Here are some tips for helping to increase your credit score:
- Get your credit reports from each of the major credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) through the official website. Be sure you use this website, not another with a similar name. You should not have to provide a credit card number to obtain a credit report.
- Check your credit report for errors. Unrecognized loans or credit cards, unknown employers, or unknown addresses could be sign of identity theft. If you find any of these errors, contact the credit reporting agency to request an investigation. Minor errors - such as an old home address or former employer being listed as current - are common and are usually nothing to worry about.
- Contact your lenders to see if it is possible to renegotiate your payment plan. You may seek an interest rate reduction or the ability to delay payments without affecting your credit report.
- Avoid the temptation of applying for new credit cards by opting out of receiving unsolicited offer. Call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) or visit to get started. You'll also want to avoid any other kind of unsecured consumer debt, including retail store cards.
- Make regular payments, even if you can only afford the minimum amount. Above all, you want your accounts to be listed as "current," not past-due.
For most people there's no magic to improving credit. Just avoid making the situation worse by missing payments or adding new sources of credit, make all payments on time, and the report will improve in the coming months and years.