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Get to Know Our Chief Human Resources Officer

Get to Know Our Chief Human Resources Officer

Podcast Transcription 

Money Talk is a podcast brought to you by PFCU where we will share tips and tricks and talk to the experts on all things finance related. Join us as we cover everything from credit and loans to cyber security and careers. No matter where you are in life, PFCU is here for you.

Maddy: Thank you for joining me on this episode of PFCU’s Money Talk podcast, I’m your host Maddy. This episode marks the beginning of another series where we are getting to know our fearless leaders on the executive team here at PFCU. Come along with me as we learn about their favorite vacation spots, fun facts and play a little “this or that”. My first guest is the lovely Heather Spitzley, I hope you enjoy getting to know her a little more, here she is.

Heather: Thank you for having me today. My name is Heather Spitzley and I’m the SVP of HR and Training here at PFCU.

Maddy: Great, this is just going to be a fun get to know you, I’m excited. Let’s just start thinking back to your very first job, what was it?

Heather: Yes, so outside of the young, preteen babysitting days, my first big girl job was, I worked at Sears in Frandor, the retail store that’s no longer in business. But I worked in the children’s department where I sold children’s clothing, and at that time they were one of the main retailers for infant goods so cribs, mattresses, car seats, all of the above so yes, that was my first big girl job at the age of 16.

Maddy: Oh, very nice. 16, that was still young. Were you there for a long time?

Heather: Yes, yeah so, I worked there for five years.

Maddy: Oh, okay.

Heather: So, it was quite an experience. From the children’s department, from starting out there as a part-timer, I became the trainer for the department and then soon after that I went into what they called their fine jewelry department, quote on quote, Sears sold fine jewelry. And so, yeah, I was part of that team and we did very well as a team and actually received awards for Sears in their sales production for the fine jewelry area.

Maddy: Oh, that’s really cool. And then what brought you into the credit union world? When did you start, what was your first job in that?

Heather: Yes, so I decided around the age of 21, mind you I was going to college as well so working part time and in school so, I decided that I wanted to get out of retail because those that have worked in the retail industry know that there’s no holidays off, you’re working late nights, you’re doing inventory late nights and so, I wanted something that would align more fluidly with my schooling. So, the first credit union that I worked for, I started at the age of 21 and I had actually known this credit union because I was a member of this credit union since I was a child. So, my dad was a General Motors worker and this credit union served UAW Local 602 and so, he’d been a member for years and years as well and had built solid relationships with the employees at the credit union and so, when I was looking for an opportunity to get out of retail, there was a gal at the Dewitt location that my dad had come to know and was in there one day and he saw on the door that they were hiring and so, he notified me of the opportunity and I applied. I had my interview and of course, they gave me the whole, we’ll get back with you, we have more applicants that we need to interview, within an hour I was being contacted and offered the job so…

Maddy: Oh wow, yeah.

Heather: I was very excited and I started out as a part-time teller at the age of 21.

Maddy: And you stayed in the industry ever since?

Heather: Yes, yup. I have been very fortunate to work in different areas of the credit union so, like I mentioned, I started out as a part-time teller, then went to, it was, you had to wait quite a while at that time to go into a full-time teller capacity and so, I waited my turn and became full-time and then soon to follow there I went into the loan member service capacity where I serviced members, you know, from opening accounts, doing loans, IRAs, trusts, all of the above. From there I was offered a position as an assistant branch manager, then went into branch managing and then I was asked a couple years later, at that time Autobody didn’t have a training department and so, they asked if I would be interested in building that training department. And of course, I jumped at the opportunity. I was actually finishing up my degree in HR so, soon to follow there I worked in the training/HR capacity for about 2.5 years or so and then a position opportunity came up to where I would be supporting all of the branch locations as their Vice President of Operations so I took on that opportunity where I served in the capacity of Vice President of Operations. I oversaw all of the branch locations, the contact center, the training department, business development, and also the HR team. And so, that was a fantastic opportunity for me, I learned so much. I served in that capacity just shy of 5 years before I was contacted by PFCU to take an opportunity here.

Maddy: Yeah, and the rest is history, right?

Heather: The rest is history! 20 years later.

Maddy: 20 years later.

Heather: I am still in the credit union industry!

Maddy: What is something that someone would be surprised to learn about you?

Heather: So, something that people probably, a lot of people don’t know is that, I have a need for speed. So, I’m a snowmobiler, I may be a little bit ashamed to share with everyone, I was once pulled over for going 102.

Maddy: Oh my gosh.

Heather: Yes.

Maddy: That’s crazy.

Heather: Yes, yeah. Learning lesson for sure, at a very young age.

Maddy: Don’t get in the car with Heather is what I’m learning.

Heather: No. I’ve since settled down since having my son. I’m very, I’m definitely a much more cautious driver.

Maddy: Yeah, kids will do that to you.

Heather: Yes.

Maddy: That is, yeah, that’s funny. I think people will be interested to learn that. Is there a favorite vacation you’ve taken or maybe a dream vacation that you want to take or both?

Heather: Yes, absolutely. So, I love to travel internationally. I’ve had the opportunity to visit both Mexico, probably about seven times now and then also I had the opportunity to visit the Dominican Republic. And I will tell you, just south, sun, sand and the sea are fantastic for me. So, that’s what I love to do, I love to hang out by the beach, I love to soak up the sun and really enjoy. So, anything that is warm and all-inclusives definitely speak to my soul. And I will tell you a place that I have not gone that’s definitely on my bucket list is Santorini Greece. That is a place that I’ve always wanted to go that is on my bucket list and hopefully in the years to come I will be able to have the opportunity to visit Greece. Although, I will tell you domestically, another bucket list item is travelling Route 66.

Maddy: Oh okay.

Heather: So, taking Route 66 all across the United States, specifically I want to take the trip in a convertible, preferably from the 1960s, maybe like a Camaro or something with a big hat, my feet up on the dash and just driving down Route 66.

Maddy: You have it all planned out.

Heather: I do have it all planned out.

Maddy: That’s great. What do you like to do for fun in your free time?

Heather: So, in our free time, we love to travel. I also enjoy, I am my son’s biggest fan. So, he plays football and he’s a wrestler, and just the pure satisfaction of seeing him do his thing whether it be on the mat or on the field, that is my absolute favorite thing to do. And then just family adventures. We enjoy snowmobiling as a family, we’re boaters, like I mentioned, traveling. So, anything together, a new adventure definitely is my fun. 

Maddy: Memory making, for sure.

Heather: Yes, absolutely.

Maddy: And seeing as how we are in credit union land, I had to ask what is your favorite thing to spend money on and your least favorite thing to spend money on?

Heather: So, my favorite thing to spend money on is vacations. So, if I can make memories, making memories is where I love to spend money. And my least favorite thing to spend money on, which is probably a little bit of a contradiction is gas. So, yes, stopping at the gas station, I swear every time I stop there it’s, you know, it’s $10 more to fill up my tank.

Maddy: Yeah, painful.

Heather: That’s my least favorite.

Maddy: I would agree with that.

Heather: But I will spend money on a flight ticket any day of the week.

Maddy: Somewhere warm, yeah.

Heather: Yes, absolutely.

Maddy: Alright well that was the last question I had for you but I do have a lightening round this or that that we’re going to do. Are you ready for it?

Heather: I’m ready.

Maddy: Alright. Coffee or tea?

Heather: Coffee.             

Maddy: Summer or Winter?

Heather: Summer.

Maddy: Hulu or Netflix?

Heather: Netflix.

Maddy: Online shopping or would you rather go in-person to the store?

Heather: I like to touch all the things so definitely in person.

Maddy: Okay. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Heather: I would probably say a night owl.

Maddy: Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Heather: Dogs.

Maddy: Texting or calling?

Heather: Calling.

Maddy: Eating in or would you rather go out to eat?

Heather: Go out to eat.

Maddy: Beach or mountains?

Heather: Beach.

Maddy: Alright, that’s all I had for this or that. Thanks for playing.

Heather: Awesome. Thank you and thank you for much for having me. This was a lot of fun.

Maddy: Of course, anytime. I appreciate it.

Money Talk is a podcast brought to you by PFCU. PFCU offers many products and services to fit your needs, from our various loan and account options to our team of financial coaches to help you reach your goals. Make sure to take advantage of the many conveniences PFCU offers such as the mobile app, mobile wallets, bill pay and more. Visit our website at PFCU the number four me dot com to learn more. PFCU is an equal housing lender and is federally insured by the NCUA.