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Get to Know Our Chief Technology Officer

Get to Know Our Chief Technology Officer 

Podcast Transcription 

Money Talk is a podcast brought to you by PFCU where we will share tips and tricks and talk to the experts on all things finance related. Join us as we cover everything from credit and loans to cyber security and careers. No matter where you are in life, PFCU is here for you.

Maddy: Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of PFCU’s Money Talk Podcast, as always, I’m your host, Maddy. We are continuing with our get to know PFCU’s Senior Vice Presidents podcast series. That is a mouthful! And I have been having so much fun getting to chat with every member of the team. My next guest is the Senior Vice President of IT, Sean Krebs. You might already know that Sean has two young kids that he loves to spend time with but we also learn what he enjoys in his free time when he has it, his most memorable trip and how he got into his position in the IT field. Let’s welcome, Sean!

Sean: Well, my name is Sean Krebs, I am the Senior Vice President of IT for PFCU. I’ve been working in the credit union world since 2010 and so, that’s when I got my start and I was in the contact center to start with but after many years, I’ve gotten to where I am now.

Maddy: Very good. So, in 2010 were you with PFCU or were you at another credit union and moved over to here? What does that path kind of look like?

Sean: Yeah, I hired in at Sagelink Credit Union actually and they had a management position posting and I applied for it and I didn’t get it actually. I didn’t have any credit union experience so they decided to put me in the contact center first but it was a great experience and I learned a ton about everything. It’s kind of the school of hard knocks when you talk about the contact center, you’ve just got so many things coming at you. So, yeah that’s actually where I got my start but within three months they asked me to move into a management position and then so, I just kind of went from there. 

Maddy: Awesome. So, that was 2010 which is crazy that that was 13 years ago

Sean: Yeah.

Maddy: Could you think back on your very job when you were like a teenager and what that job was?

Sean: I can. My first job was at a grocery store. It was a locally owned grocery store in Holly Michigan, that’s where I grew up and it’s actually not even there anymore. I drove by there not that long ago and it’s just a completely different thing now so, that was my start. It was a bagger position back when you actually bagged groceries and you didn’t do it yourself which is what everybody does now. But yeah, I pretty much spent most of my time mopping and cleaning up when I was there but it was nice to have some extra money in my pocket.

Maddy: Yeah, for sure. And I’m just curious, were you always interested in the IT field? Did you go to school for that or did it just kind of… was it not something you expected to go into since you were young?

Sean: Actually, no. My only management experience before I applied for the credit union was working in retail. I got my start in the back room of Target, and after, gosh, a year of being there I started getting into management at Target, I was 19 I think at the time. So, my whole path when I graduated in 2010, I went right back to trying to get back into retail and didn’t end up staying that way. After applying for 4 or 5 different positions, nobody would give me a call back and my mom actually found the listing for the credit union, sent me a picture of it and I’m like, well I never thought about working for a credit union before but I’ll give it a shot and sure enough here I am now.

Maddy: It all worked out.

Sean: Yup. But no formal background in IT. I got my BBA from the University of Michigan, Flint and just, I’ve always liked computers, I like playing video games. Typical male behavior, I suppose but yeah, I never really had a thought that I would be in IT, it kind of just fell into place and once I started getting into it, I loved it. I started learning as much as I could, just kind of having to force myself to do everything and that’s just my mindset. I always want to know all of the details behind everything, how everything works and I think that works really well when you’re in the IT space, because you fit all the pieces together.

Maddy: Right.

Sean: And always trying to make something work.

Maddy: Right. Yeah, I think that’s really cool that you weren’t expecting to go into that and it just kind of, you realized it interested you and you learned all you could. That’s neat. What is something that someone would be surprised to learn about you?

Sean: Surprised. Well, actually when I was thinking about this, that was it. That I actually don’t have any background in IT. That everything that I’ve learned has been school of hard knocks, just figuring it out. And I had a lot of people who gave me a chance at something and I didn’t have the background in it but I showed interest and dedication and willingness to just absorb everything that was put in front of me and they gave me a chance and because of the chances they gave me, I am where I am. I am very appreciative of the fact that that happened the way that it did because I wasn’t even confident in what I wanted to do but I just kind of fell right into this and it clicked for me and I developed a passion for it over time.

Maddy: Right, right. Is there a favorite vacation that you’ve taken or a dream vacation that you would like to take?

Sean: Well my favorite vacation was when I was in my 20s. I went on a hiking trip with 3 of my buddies down to the Appalachian Trail and that was, it was extremely challenging, amazing views, good conversation and it really just tested what I was capable of because honestly, there were several points where I thought it was going to kill me. We hiked more than 30 miles in 3 days…

Maddy: Oh my gosh.

Sean: …On that trail and at the very end of it, we’re literally a mile away from the parking lot where my car is, we come across a bear cub sitting on the trail. We were more scared of momma bear

Maddy: Yeah.

Sean: And it never came, but typically they always say when you see the cub, mom’s not far behind.

Maddy: Right.

Sean: And she’s not going to be happy with you playing with her cub.

Maddy: Right.

Sean: We kept walking and made ourselves big and scary and the thing ran off and just kind of went about its business and we got out of there.

Maddy: Yeah.

Sean: But that was definitely something I’ll never forget it, it was a life changing experience.

Maddy: Now is that something you would every do again or are you like, I did it once and I’m good.

Sean: No, check that off the list.

Maddy: Check it off your list?

Sean: A day hiking trip, sure but 30 miles in 3 days, I am too old and too broken for that.

Maddy: I hear you. Is there somewhere that you dream about going someday?

Sean: Well, at this point, I’ve been talking to my wife about going on a cruise. I’ve never been on a cruise before. We were literally just talking about this the other day while we were on vacation with the kids. Like, man we really need an actual vacation when the kids aren’t there, so, I think going on a 5-day cruise just to relax, I don’t need some party cruise with spring breakers on there or anything, just something relaxing and being able to sit on the deck and chill. I think that would be amazing right now.

Maddy: Yes.

Sean: So, I’ll look forward to that at some point.

Maddy: And with no kids. I, yup, totally am with you there. It’s more a trip when you have your kids rather than a vacation.

Sean: Absolutely. And we just took them to the Ann Arbor Children’s Museum and gosh, it was a lot of fun, they had a blast but we decided but we decided to get a hotel instead of driving back and that was a very, very bad idea. A 3-year-old and a 1 year old in a hotel? I tell ya, I think I got 2 hours of sleep and when I did it was with my son’s head buried in my back.

Maddy: Yeah.

Sean: And it was just like, okay we’re not ready for this yet.

Maddy: Right.

Sean: We had to put a pause on the family trips until they get a little bit older.

Maddy: Yeah, yeah. All in the same room, that’s rough.

Sean: Yeah.

Maddy: What do you like to do for fun in your free time?

Sean: Well, I guess mostly I do, despite the exhaustion that comes with it, I do like spending time with the kids, getting to take them and doing new things, getting to see new things and watching their eyes light up  Particularly my 3 year old, almost 4, he’s going to 4 in a month here, it’s kind of crazy to think about but just watching him see things and learn things for the first time and some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth when they get old enough to surprise you, it gets to be a lot of fun.

Maddy: Yeah.

Sean: I guess that’s what I spend most of my time doing before I had kids I would spend a lot of time on the golf course and play bass guitar, play guitar, piano, I’m kind of musically inclined, I like a lot of that stuff.  Don’t get to do much of it anymore but that would be what I would typically do for fun.

Maddy: Yeah and I’ve heard too that’s it’s just the phase of life you’re in, right? So I also, I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and your life kind of revolves around them for that period of time but it’s just kind of a blip in your life and it goes fast and before you know it, you’ll have that time back and your kids are grown which is sad, but yeah.

Sean: Yeah.

Maddy: It’s just that phase that you’re in.

Sean: Yup.

Maddy: What is your favorite thing to spend money on and your least favorite thing to spend money on?

Sean: I think, probably again, the kids. I like to spend money on them. I hate to say it but they’re spoiled and I know it. Yeah, I don’t know, I just, I’m older, I was older when I had kids so and I, I’m more established financially, I feel like I can spoil them a little bit.

Maddy: Yeah.

Sean: And I want them to have the best whenever I can but spending money going on trips with them, like all the children’s museums- Flint, Saginaw, Ann Arbor; Toledo Zoo, the nature conservatory. We’ve taken them a bunch of different places already and they’re that little so it’s just, I like spending money on them. If you’re going to spend money, you might as well spend it on your family. Least favorite would definitely be groceries right now. Just the fact that the grocery bill has gone up like $200.

Maddy: Yeah.

Sean: You pay $7 for a carton of eggs, I mean it just boggles the mind how much of a difference from just a few years ago even.

Maddy: Right.

Sean: So that is probably my least favorite thing right now.

Maddy: Yeah, yeah, I agree. So that was my last question but I do have a surprise lightening round of this or that so I will run through those really quickly. Try not to get too excited. Are you ready?

Sean: Let’s do it.

Maddy: Okay. Coffee or tea?

Sean: Coffee for sure but not as much as I used to. It’s one cup in the morning every single day. But I don’t sit there and drink it over and over and over again every day, so.

Maddy: Yeah. Summer or winter?

Sean: Can I say fall?

Maddy: Yeah!

Sean: Fall is my favorite.

Maddy: I’ll let you bend the rules a little bit.

Sean: Winter is too cold and summer is too hot.

Maddy: Okay, yeah. Do you prefer Hulu or Netflix?

Sean: Netflix, I think it’s got more variety and they kind of started it off and everyone else is following them. 

Maddy: Online shopping or would you rather go to the store?

Sean: I guess in the store. Something about seeing it, touching it. Online is convenient but if I’m actually going out shopping, I’d rather do it in the store.

Maddy: Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Sean: Again, both at this point. My kids get me up at like 5:30 every single day and I always stay up late because I need a breather from the kids.

Maddy: I’ve never heard truer words spoken. That’s funny. Cats or dogs?

Sean: I guess cats, I like their independence.

Maddy: Do you have cats?

Sean: We had 3 cats, we have 2 cats now. They’re nice, and then you’re sitting watching TV and they’ll flop on your lap and it’s pretty nice.

Maddy: Yeah. Texting or calling?

Sean: Texting. I think it goes with being an introvert, it’s quick and gets to the point I guess, for the most part.

Maddy: Yeah. Eating in or going out to eat?

Sean: Depends on if the kids are there or not. If we’re going out to eat, definitely I prefer that but if the kids are around then definitely at home. It’s a lot easier to manage kids at home when you’re eating.

Maddy: Yeah, yeah. And beach or mountains?

Sean: Mountains. Yeah, I talked about that Appalachian trail hike, some of those views you just won’t forget. I think that does it for me, it’s so peaceful. Not that there’s anything wrong with the ocean but I’d take mountains.

Maddy: Yeah, very nice. Alright, that was my last one. I appreciate your time, Sean. I really walked into this not knowing anything about you so it was really nice sitting down with you for a little bit and learning a little more about you.

Sean: Happy to share, thanks for asking.

Money Talk is a podcast brought to you by PFCU. PFCU offers many products and services to fit your needs, from our various loan and account options to our team of financial coaches to help you reach your goals. Make sure to take advantage of the many conveniences PFCU offers such as the mobile app, mobile wallets, bill pay and more. Visit our website at PFCU the number four me dot com to learn more. PFCU is an equal housing lender and is federally insured by the NCUA.